
6 Ways To Give Back Using Your Own Home

There are so many ways to make a difference this holiday season.- and you don’t have to look any further than your own home. Read below for 6 ways to make a difference!

  1. Be the hostess who gives the mostess! You provide the food and drink- your guests provide the donation!  A great way to support a cause or charity you care about is to ask your guests to bring a donation in lieu of a traditional hostess gift. This is wonderful way to spread the word and help inspire your guests. (You can even offer to match all donations made at the party to help incentivize the giving spirit!) Your guests will leave with full bellies and happy hearts! 
  2. Donate your space for a fundraiser! Do you have a great kitchen? A living room you’re especially proud of? Share your good real estate fortune with a nonprofit to host a fundraiser. Intimate fundraisers are an important way for charities to get one-on-one time with busy, high profile donors Creating a bespoke experience can help facilitate or deepen valuable relationships. Space in NYC is always in short supply but you can make a difference by sharing yours! 
  3. Host a packing party! Looking for a fun way to reconnect with friends in the midst of the crazy holiday season? Invite your friends over for a toy packing party. They bring toys to gift to children in need, and you provide the wrapping supplies (and necessary libations!). This is great for families and people of all ages. You can donate the toys to a local community center or religious organization in your area. The more local the better!
  4. Make a furry friend. The holiday season is the time that many are thinking about giving to our friends and families, but we shouldn’t forget our furry companions! Shelters and rescue organizations are always looking for ‘foster’ moms and dads to help provide temporary homes for cats and dogs. You can provide love and companionship to an animal that will help it find its forever home- what better gift could there be?
Two great organization that we work with in our community are:
You can reach out them by email Amanda@outofprint.com or contact BookstoreCats via Facebook or Instagram
Red Hook Dog Rescue
You can contact the great folks at Red Hook Dog Rescue by sending the an email via their site. Click here for the link.
5. Host memorial dinner party. The first holidays after a loved one’s passing can be especially tough on those who have lost a loved one. It can be hard to put on a brave face and go to traditional holiday parties when you are in grief. Holding space for us to remember people we’ve lost and celebrate their lives is an inclusive and beautiful way to spend what is normally a joyous time. Gather your friends or family and encourage them to share memories, write dedications, and raise a glass in celebration of your loved one’s life. Remember-this is still a celebration— just one that allows for tears as well as laughs!
6. Auction off a week in your home. If you have an apartment with a nice view or a great location, it can make a great auction prize for any charity! A great way to manage this is to sync up the offer for a time that you know you will be out of town. This is a great experience for a nonprofit to be able to offer their supporters and is a great way for you to support your favorite cause. This also applies to second homes- no matter how big or how small- you can share your space with someone who shares your values. (In some cases, it can also be tax-deductible!)
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