
5 Tips for Making Your NYC Home Allergy-Free

Pollen counts are at their peak in NYC in April, May, and September. So even if you’re still feeling them now, we’re sorry to say that you only have a short reprieve before you get hit with them in in a few months. 

 Of course, you can take over-the-counter medications to calm your symptoms or see a doctor for more severe symptoms.  But here are five additional tips to turn your NYC home into a refuge from allergies. 

1) Use Nature’s Original Air Purifier (Plants)

Did you know that some plants can function as an air purifier? Snake Plants, Spider Plants, Pothos, and Peace Lilies all help remove toxins from the air. Peace Lilies can purify the air by as much as 60%! (If part of your allergy is a sensitivity to plants, do more research before proceeding with this option). However, it should be said that plants won’t be quite as effective as an air filter with a HEPA filter, which brings us to our next tip. 

2) Get an Air Filter

Make sure to get an air filter with a clean air delivery rate, one that uses a HEPA filter, and one that fits within your bedroom. Purifiers can make a huge difference when it comes to battling allergens, pollution, or bad smells. 

3) Keep Your Windows Closed

One of the best ways to combat allergens is to prevent them from getting inside of your home in the first place. While it can be tempting to air out your apartment, keep in mind that this also invites those pesky allergens into your home. Seal up your windows, doors, and run your air conditioner (we know, the cost is unfair but your health is worth it!!). A good air conditioner recycles air from inside your apartment and cools it, without bringing in pollen from the outside. Keep in mind that it’s important to clean/and or replace your air conditioner’s filter on a regular basis. A clean filter will also lower your AC energy consumption (and bill!) and improve airflow. 

4) Shower Power

Taking off your clothes and showering as soon as you get home helps prevent you from spreading allergens and pollutants throughout your house. 

5) Clean, Clean, Clean

When all else fails, doing a deep clean of your apartment is the best option. Make sure that you are washing your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets at least once a week in hot water. You should also clean anything that can accumulate dust, such as curtains, blinds, electronics, or even plushies. If you have a fan, make sure to keep the blades clean so that it’s not circulating dust around in the air every time you use it. It’s generally advised not to have rugs, as they love to accumulate dust over time, though we know in NYC that advice doesn’t quite apply. But if you are really attached to your Persian, then make sure you vacuum it once a week. If you go this route, make sure to empty your vacuum cleaner’s filter so you are not spreading dust around in the process of cleaning.  

Whether you’re a renter, buyer, or just living the good NYC life, getting a jump on your spring cleaning is a godsend for preventing bigger problems. We have a whole bunch of tips for you here, and even if you’re a little behind (ahem, guilty), it’s never too late to make your house a home!


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