
2000 Gallon Project Progress.

We wanted to share this info via the Gowanus Canal Conservancy with all of you. It a very important project they are doing and we saw signs of people planting earlier this week (photo above!).  They are planting in and deploying 10 dumpsters throughout the Gowanus area. You can see more photos of their progress here.  Another coll fact about these dumpsters is that they are nurseries for future Gowanus street trees, which will be planted in the spring of 2017. Read more and find out about volunteer efforts here or below.

The 2,000 Gallon Project reimagines the common commercial dumpster to make a visual statement about how retaining stormwater can help prevent combined sewage overflow (CSO) into the Gowanus Canal. The Canal, in the heart of Brooklyn, is one of America’s most polluted waterways. Its watershed consists of approximately 1,800 acres of densely developed land, and homes for 122,000 residents, who contribute to the annual 377 million gallons of CSO into the Canal. New York City is investing in grey and green infrastructure throughout the Watershed to lessen CSOs, including about 90 curbside rain gardens, or bioswales, and two large sewage detention tanks totalling 12 million gallons of storage. These projects will have substantive impacts on the amount of untreated sewage entering the Canal, but will not solve the problem entirely. Each dumpster is 2,000 gallons – the amount of stormwater managed by each new bioswale – and serve as an aboveground visualization of the physical volume of managed stormwater. Each and every person that lives, works or plays in the Gowanus Watershed can contribute to the solution, by lessening water use during storms and retaining stormwater at their home, school or business to achieve 0 gallons of CSO into the Canal, and make the Gowanus Blue.

We need help watering August-September, and planting in October! Email volunteer@gowanuscanalconservancy.org for more info

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