
What Not to Do at an Open House

House hunting is a process that can sometimes make you feel like you’re drowning in checklists. Yours, your agent’s, the bank’s, and others. So we don’t want to give you another. Instead, think of this as an anti-checklist. These are all the things you don’t want to do on your Brooklyn house hunt. That’s right — just do literally none of these things and you may already be several steps ahead of your buying competition. 

Don’t go it alone (i.e., take us)

For one thing, it’s a safety issue. For another, that’s what we’re here for, to do the legwork, weed out undesirable options, and generally make everything smoother for you, so put us to use. 

Don’t go alone or without notifying your agent: It’s crucial to prioritize your safety and ensure you’re represented during the house-hunting process. We’ll be in contact with you throughout the process but if you happen to spot a place while you’re out and about, just text or email us the info and we’ll look into it for you. It’s also important to note that just stopping by a random property can put you at a disadvantage; you don’t want potential sellers to assume you’re unrepresented.

Don’t stack appointments

Most NYC buyers have several neighborhoods in mind for potential homes and whether you’re taking the train or a car, you never know what might hold you up. Not to mention that rushing through open houses can lead to missed opportunities. Plan your schedule accordingly, allowing ample time to explore each property thoroughly. You never know when you might stumble upon a hidden gem that requires extra attention. 

Don’t wear complicated shoes

Many homes will request that visitors remove their shoes to maintain cleanliness. So make like you’re going through the TSA security line at the airport and save time and effort by wearing slip-on shoes (don’t forget the socks!).

Don’t be nosey (but exploratory is OK!)

Unless you strongly dislike a place, make sure to open every door and explore all spaces (if not their contents). Some buyers have missed out on discovering hidden rooms or large storage areas simply because they assumed a door led to a closet. Additionally, open kitchen and bathroom drawers, cupboards, and cabinets to gather essential information about the property. Sellers anticipate this level of exploration, so don’t hesitate to take a closer (ibut discreet) look.

Don’t forget that you may be overheard

Remember that sellers may be present or nearby, and their perception matters. Avoid making negative remarks about the property or its features during the open house. Criticizing the seller’s taste or decor choices can create unnecessary tension and potentially harm your chances in a competitive bidding situation. Save your feedback for discussions with your agent.

Don’t protect our feelings

Our goal is to help you find your ideal spot and you won’t hurt our feelings when you’re honest about a place you dislike (it helps!) and don’t worry about taking too much of our time. This is a collaboration and we all want a good outcome. Be candid and shoot straight with us (we can take it).


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