
Tonight and Next Week are the Two Final Solarize Brooklyn Workshops.

There will be two more opportunities for you to learn more about Solarize Brooklyn. One in Park Slope, which is tonight, and one in Gowanus next Tuesday.  You can learn how the program works, meet installers, ask questions and sign up for a free site assessment if you’d like.  All the info about these workshops is below, including where to RSVP.

Residential Solar Workshop

Thursday, September 24, 2015
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Old First Reformed Church, Lower Hall
729 Carroll Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
RSVP here. Walk-ins welcome!

Last Chance Workshop

*Light breakfast provided*
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Whole Foods, Upstairs at “The Roof” Cafe
214 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
RSVP here. Walk-ins welcome, but seating limited.

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