
The F Train Express Pros and Cons

Many of us living off the F train lines in Brooklyn were so excited when we heard that the F train may be offering express service.  That was years ago and seemed more like an urban legend after we watched nothing happen year after year.  The latest news is that this change will be happening in 2017, with some limited service this summer.  Many are rejoicing but others are annoyed.  Here’s why.  The planned express stops from Church Ave to Jay Street include 7th Ave but skip Smith and 9th Street, which is a major bus connection for Red Hook residents, and skip 4th Ave and 9th Street, which connects with the R train.  A more important factor and major con is that they will not be adding more service.  This means that if you live at a local stop you are going to have to wait longer.  With very busy stops like Carroll Street along the way, this makes no sense.  We are all for adding an express service.  Kensington residents especially! Cutting down on commuting time when you live further out in the borough is always a plus. But more service is needed all around.  More and more big buildings going up equals more commuters. It’s simple math!

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