
Streeteasy Raising Rates After New Year.

Many of you may know the story of Streeteasy. It began as a site where agents could post for free and fairly recently started charging. Well, prices are going up again. From $3 daily to $4.50. RC agent Shyda Hoque recently wrote about how this affects herself and other agents. Read below.

A year ago I wrote a blog about what a $3.00 daily charge for each rental listing means for an average agent.  While I am fortunate that I started at a time when Streeteasy was free and was able to grow business these changes have affected business for all brokers. 

Now Streeteasy just raised its rates to $4.50 a day starting January 1st.  I was not shocked as that usually is how it goes but I do think it is my responsibility to inform you that this will affect rentals in New York City. I would encourage you to reach out to me if you know anyone who is looking for a rental. There will be a drop in rental listings on Streeteasy. Naked Apartments which is rental only will also join the Zillow network which is a bonus and reasoning for Streeteasy to raise the price.  

-Shyda Hoque

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