
New Year’s Resolution Guide

It’s time for a fresh start! The new year is a time to reflect on the last year and to see what we can improve in the next. For anyone who hasn’t got a plan we’ve got some helpful guides to give you an idea. It’s time to make your New Year’s resolution! But making one and sticking to it are two different things. This New York Times article is not just about which goals to set but also analyzes how one can achieve them.

Now for the actually goal! What to choose? Well, thinking about 2018 and what you felt was missing may help. Here is a list of 50 ideas that Lifehack has compiled that can navigate you towards the best choice for you. Exercising more, eating healthy, quitting smoking are all common resolutions but are they right for you in 2019? Greatist wrote a blog about figuring out your resolution by thinking about your anti-resolution. Think of something you can do more of that would make your life worse, such as leaving the office later or drinking more. This may be a clue of what you actually need to cut back on. Read more about that here.

Whatever you decide we hope you’ll stick to it and have a wonderful and productive 2019!



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