
Navigating Breakups: A discussion about feelings & finances with RC’s Victoria Alexander

Realty Collective’s Victoria Alexander is proud to be a part of this panel discussion presented by Onward, a post-breakup concierge service launching in New York City very soon! We hope you will come out and be a part of this unique event. It’s on Wednesday, March 27th from 6pm-8pm. You can check out the schedule below and click here to learn more about the event and RSVP.

Event Schedule

6:00pm – Arrivals and mingling

6:30pm – Panel discussion with Lindsay Meck and Mika Leonard, co-founders of Onward; Jenn Monahan, Level 3 Trainer at Financial Gym; Dr. Shari Auth, co-founder of WTHN; Victoria Alexander, President of Realty Collective; and Sarah Gundle, Co-Clinic Director at Octave

7:30pm – More mingling


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