Photo by Gabriel Bassino on Unsplash

Meet the Woman on a Mission to Highlight Brooklyn’s Local Heroes

Yes, we’re a real estate firm but part of our mission is to make sure the neighborhoods and communities where we help people find homes are as strong as they can be. Founder Victoria Alexander became especially active in Red Hook following Hurricane Sandy, opening up our offices to neighbors for warmth, shelter, and access to emergency services. Since then, she’s worked with the Red Hook community and business leaders in an effort to boost its resiliency. 

Though they met several years ago, it was through the Red Hook Biz group that Eleanor Traubman recently shared with Victoria her mission to shine a light on Brooklyn’s everyday heroes. The following is excerpted from Eleanor’s Facebook page, My Local Heroes, which you can follow for more inspiring stories of everyday Brooklyn goodness. She describes the project as “a celebration of Brooklynites who hold down the fort and make lives go better with little fanfare and a lot of heart and smarts.” 


Local Heroes #6: Margaret Palca and Jamal of Margaret Palca Bakes

Margaret, who has been in the baking biz for 20-plus years, works like a horse to keep Margaret Palce Bakes moving and grooving. Jamal has put in about 20 years at MPB, and runs the front of the house. Some people (like me!) go in just to hang out with him!

Thank goodness this awesome bakery has been deemed an essential business so it can keep its doors open to folks seeking comfort and cheer. I’ve gone in many times over the years to purchase the decorated sugar cookies for my husband Mike, and love how they often reflect seasonal themes. When I told Margaret that I was going to host a Hannukah gathering, she made the prettiest Star of David cookies. (See photo.)

Thank you, Margaret and Jamal. for being such a great team! The neighborhood would not be the same place without you.”

FYI, for those with school-age children at home, Eleanor also offers tutoring services and free tutoring tips for parents at Eleanor Traubman Tutoring. 


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