
Home Renovations: Part 4


It’s going on week four now for our place being renovated.  Hopefully I’ll only have a few more of these to write because we have to move out of this place by August 1st.  Not much difference in appearance, though, so it’s a little concerning. They’ve been putting up sheet rock and plastering a whole bunch.  Nothing has been installed yet, though (tub, toilet, cabinets) so I didn’t take any pictures last time I was there.  I did, however, include a picture of the sink I ordered.  We had picked out all the stuff we wanted with the contractor a week before they started and he just called me on Thursday saying he was at Lowes buying everything and they didn’t have that sink in stock and it would take 7 business days (although he said 7 weeks I checked with Lowes myself) to get it.  He also said they didn’t have that much time because a plumber was coming that day (also not true apparently).  My husband and I went crazy looking for a sink that day and couldn’t find one we liked.  Finally we went to Park Slope Plumbing Supply (601 5th Ave) and that’s where we got the pedestal sink you see above.  They have a great selection and was even cheaper than Lowes.

The DOB stuff is both behind us and in front of us.  We’ve decided to try to move on and forget about it but we still aren’t sure whats going on with it.  Our contractors did not give us anything written about them being responsible for any violations.  We just want the work finished and fast so we’re moving forward.  More updates next week.  Hopefully the floors will be done and cabinets installed.  I should have pics then!

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