
Home Renovations: Part 1

I’ve changed the name of this weekly entry to Home Renovations, since technically we are already home owners!!  It still feels like a dream.  Now we have to transform the apartment we bought into the home we envisioned it could be for us.  As I mentioned in previous posts, that will entail updatding the entire kitchen and bathroom, removing a wall to open up the kitchen area, sanding/glossing the floors, and a few other odds and ends.  So in other words, an enormous job.  Picking a contractor wasn’t necessarily difficult.  We basically went with the cheapest one that actually returned our phone calls.  And that seems like a risky move but we had a referral as well and so far they’ve been awesome.  They started last Wednesday and I was amazed how much got done in three days.  All the demo is done and most of the interior electrical work.  The wires were very old and needed replacing.  We visited the place on Saturday and it looked like a war zone.  I was shocked but excited.  So good to see the wall come down and the size of the space we’d be dealing with.  I’ve posted pics on our Pinterest board.  There are a couple of especially awesome before and after pics of that kitchen/dining area wall.

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