
Congrats to Former RC Team Member Artists.

As we’ve mentioned in the past, Realty Collective has made an emphasis on hiring creative types so it’s no wonder so many of our former agents and office staff are doing well in the art world.
We recently shared on our social media pages a special congrats to Elizabeth Castaldo, who used to work for RC, for getting a “Scholarship for Advanced Studies in Book Arts Program at the Center for Book Arts in New York City”. We were so happy to hear this news!
Now we’d like to share some more news about an art opening happening tonight.  Friend and former RC employee, MaryKate Maher, sent us an email about this a little while back.  If you are near Williamsburg tonight, check this out!!
I hope you can join me next Friday, November 3rd for the opening of a small solo show in Williamsburg organized by Amanda McDonald Crowley. I’ve been working with a new print shop, Little Metal Prints, and for the launch of their new studio, we’ve done a show together! I’ll be exhibiting new collages as well as a few small sculptures you may or may not have seen before. They also have amazing printing machinery if you’d rather nerd out on equipment. 
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Opening reception: 6-8pm
Little Metal Print
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