
Celebrating Our 15th By Giving Back: CAMBA

As a part of our 15th Anniversary celebration and thank you to Brooklyn, we’ve selected 15 non-profit organizations to highlight that are doing work in our borough—or directly helping our fellow Brooklynites. We encourage everyone to learn a bit about the people making our community stronger and, if possible, to join us in making a small monetary donation to further their work. We thank them for everything they do and thank you for supporting a small, woman-owned Brooklyn business for the past 15 years! 

In the past few years, our cultural conversation in this country has thankfully broadened to acknowledge the reality that structural racism is deeply entrenched in many of our systems. But being aware is not enough at this point. Fortunately, CAMBA (and other organizations) are working to address structural issues head on. 

As they explain on their website: “CAMBA cannot accept the racial injustices and everyday discrimination that persists across our country—it is an unacceptable stain on our society. Systemic change must be our communities’ priority and CAMBA will continue to ensure that our work and programs address inequities that hurt African Americans and all people of color. We believe all New Yorkers and all Americans must be afforded with equal rights and opportunities to live a safe, peaceful life.” 

One of the reasons we’re so in awe of CAMBA is that while their focus is narrow—those who need access to opportunities that will positively impact their way of life—their impact is broad and deep. They help with issues ranging from GED completion and pregnancy support to housing stability issues and job placement. We’re thankful that their holistic approach improves the lives of Brooklyn neighbors every day. 


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