
Co-Ops vs Condos – Take Our Personality Quiz!

So we’ve gone into full detail about the difference between condos & co-ops, the two most common types of units available in Brooklyn – and even chatted a bit about condo-ops. While there are core differences between the two, it can be hard to choose which one is the right fit for you. 

Lucky for you, we’ve come up with a quiz to help you find out if you’re the condo-type or the co-op type. 

Below is a list of generalizations pertaining to co-ops and condos. Read through each to find out if you’re a type A or a type B!

Let’s Hear it for the Type A’s

  1. You favor freedom and autonomy – you don’t want to need board approval or have specific rules about subletting, pets, or refinancing options. 
  2. You don’t necessarily care to live in a “desirable” neighborhood, nor do you care about pre-war detailing within your apartment. 
  3. You are all about the new, new, new – newest appliances (washer/dryer, anyone?!), newest designs, and newest apartments.
  4. Budget isn’t ~too~ much of an issue for you. 
  5. You don’t mind a higher turnover of neighbors, noise, or even care about making friends with the people next door.
  6. You’re mostly looking for an investment property to sublet to tenants.
  7. You’re a musician who tends to make some noise (we know, we know, you’re trying to be the next Miles Davis).

And how about you, Type B’s?

  1. Rules never scared you. In fact, you think that having general house rules will keep a peaceful living environment that everyone can enjoy. 
  2. You’re an amateur historian, interested in the Brooklyn charm & pre-war detailing of some of the oldest buildings. 
  3. Your motto is, “location, location, location!” You’ll sacrifice a washer/dryer to be on a bustling Brooklyn street with tons of shops & restaurants.
  4. You’re the type of person who likes to ask your neighbor for sugar or to water your plants. It’s important to you that you have good relationships with your neighbors, and even be friends!
  5. You’re not really a pet person. And if you are, cats all the way!
  6. You’ve been saving for years to have that 20% down payment. 
  7. Subletting? Selling? Get out of here, this is my house!

Drumroll, please…





If you’re a Type A, then you are most definitely a Condo person. You consider amenities a quality-of-life issue that are worth the sacrifice of prime location. You might be a musician, or practicing psychologist with a home office, and quite frankly, you like your privacy. You don’t really want someone telling you what to do, and you value your living space versus location. That’s why they invented planes, trains, and automobiles after all!

For our Type B-ers, Co-Ops are the way to go for you. You are in love with the charm of the older buildings, and you see interviewing with the board as a challenge you’re willing to attack head on. You’ll sacrifice some autonomy to ensure a peaceful, clean, and well-kept building, especially if that means you get to have the same neighbors for years. Plus, you’ve dreamt of living in this prime location for forever, a 20% down payment is a small price to pay for achieving your dreams!

While these were mostly sweeping generalizations of the differences between the two (each building is unique in its own way), it’s always fun to play a little personality game – especially when it comes to real estate. All we know is that Type A or Type B, we can help you find the home you’ve been searching for – and we know how to navigate all the ins and outs of each buying process. Get in touch today to talk through options!





psst, need another cheat sheet?

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